Photo of Luis Noa Cuba
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Luis Rodríguez (NOA)

Born June 14th, 1970, in Baracoa, Guantánamo. NOA is one of the exponents of the new generation of cuban contemporary art. A graduate of the National Art School, (ENA), Havana, in 1989, and of the Higher Institute of Industrial Design (ISDI), Havana, in 1994, (as graphic and visual communication designer). Lives and works in...

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Photo of Luis Noa Cuba

Note: More biographical details and complete curriculum at:

Luis Rodríguez (NOA)

Born June 14th, 1970, in Baracoa, Guantánamo. NOA is one of the exponents of the new generation of cuban contemporary art. A graduate of the National Art School, (ENA), Havana, in 1989, and of the Higher Institute of Industrial Design (ISDI), Havana, in 1994, (as graphic and visual communication designer). Lives and works in Havana, Cuba. Member of the Association of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC) and of the Cuban Prográfica Committee.

He has exhibited his work in many personal and group exhibitions, both national and internationally, among others: “An Artist from Cuba”, Gallery Andy Jllien, Zürich, Switzerland, 1995, “Tiempo al Tiempo”, Center for Development of Visual Arts, Havana 2004, “Mendive and Noa”, Gallery Kunstmann, Mallorca, Spain, 1999, “La Dinámica de un Viaje”, Biennial of Havana, 2006, “Art Miami”, United States, 2007.

NOA’s works covers a range of different technics and mediums, such as: oil on canvas paintings, watercolors, drawings and sculptures. He has also produced graphic work, mainly posters, and created a comic character and illustrations that have been published in cuban and foreign magazines for several years.

NOA has been awarded with several important prizes. Among the most recient ones, it could be mentioned: First Prize in the National Contest of Posters Conmemorative of 400 anniversary of Don Quixote, Cuba, 2005; and Honorable Mention in the Biennial of Ceramic of Havana, 2007.

His works are part of many privat collections in Europe, United States, and Latin America.

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